Patrick Johnsons ISS PRO 98 GAME
1. Before kicking off you
will need to drink a can of stella
2. As soon as the first pass in the game has been made have pause and have...
2 fingers of stella
3. If you are awarded a throw, your opponent must have
2 fingers of stella
4. If you are awarded a corner your opponent must have
2 fingers of stella
5. If you foul you must drink
2 fingers of stella
6. If you get a yellow card you must have
4 fingers of stella
7. If you get a red card you must have
1/2 pint of stella
8. If you get caught off side you must have
2 fingers of stella
9. If you concede a goal you must have
4 fingers of stella
10 At half time you must have
2 fingers of stella
If you lose the game you must have
1/2 pint of stella!!!
When playing is over and if you can still walk and see set off to jabbas clegg and find a beautiful lady
please note: At the end of each game a new game MUST be started after having a 1/2 pint of stella... game play continues until the taxi arrives or you pass out.
Please note2: The following morning the game must be resumed with hot sweet tea used instead of stella.